Last week I had a certain dream, and when I had the chance to reflect on it, I knew it was something important, that maybe God was trying to reveal something to me.
I had a dream that I was back in my old apartment, the one we had lived in before Kaylee was diagnosed with autism. I was looking outside the window and I saw black clouds boiling in the distance. A horrible storm was coming and we were in it's destructive path.
Turning to Kaylee, I told her to run and hide...hurry! But she didn't even hear me, just like the days when she was at the height of her illness. I was struck with fear to see her this way again, and I was totally helpless to stop this impending disaster about to hit the lives of my family.
Later on I reflected on this dream and when I wrote out what happened it was clear to me that this storm was Autism about to hit our lives. Although I am relieved to know that our storm has passed, I know there are other families out there in their own storms, waiting them out, seeking shelter in biomedical protocols and doctors visits and therapies that never end. They are hoping that *this* time, *this* intervention is their way out.
I haven't forgotten these families. I am praying for the way out for them too. I think the way out is almost here. All I can say is Hold on! The answer is almost here! Even if I don't know you I pray for you everyday. I am not going to stop until there is a way out for all of us. I know that God doesn't want me forget, either.