I have been thinking often about Kaylee's development lately, and how different her beginning is from my other two children. I didn't see the signs in Kaylee because I wasn't experienced yet. There were signs though...
When Kaylee was born almost three and a half years ago, she was born healthy and happy. My pregnancy and labor were uneventful. When she was born she barely cried! She looked surprised at the new world around her. When I first held her in my arms I cried, she was so quiet and perfect. She was content. She nursed with ease. Her Apgar score was 9 out of 10. She was born healthy.
The next day, I was unaware that she had received a Hepatitis B Vaccination and she was inconsolable. She wouldn't nurse anymore, all she did was cry and cry. I was afraid to leave the hospital because I didn't know what to do! When I had asked the lactation consultant why my daughter wouldn't nurse anymore, she asked "did you have an epidural?", and I answered yes and she said to me in a condescending voice, "ohhhh...well that explains it. Her nervous system and sucking reflex are compromised because of your drugs still in her system. Give it a few days and she will be fine."
Soon thereafter, Kaylee developed a rash all over her body for no reason, starting from her back. The doctor told me it was "baby acne", but today, I know that wasn't what was wrong at all. Baby acne lasts for weeks, not 24 hours! They were hives! Kaylee was having an immune reaction to her vaccination, but I never suspected anything.
It took days for Kaylee to eat again, we would do everything to wake her up but she wouldn't. She never wanted to eat. I was scared, especially being a first time mom. Eventually she started to wake up and eat. I never dreamed that she may have had a reaction to her shot in the hospital.
Two months later, her pediatrician gave me an informational sheet from the CDC on Kaylee's immunizations, telling me "don't do any research of your own, just read these pamphlets and make your decision based on those." Well I listened to her, I understood where she was coming from. I didn't want to scare myself. I mean, I had shots before and I was OK.
So I went through with it. Kaylee received 3 shots, one of those that had 3 included in it. Basically, she had 5 at one time. Kaylee screamed and cried and I gave her Tylenol and she slept for 20 hours straight. Why didn't I see it then? That's when she started looking at spinning fans. Today I understand this was a "self-stimulatory" behavior.
Mommy and Kaylee, right after
receiving her shots, we had no
idea what was to come...soon after
she became very sick.
At 4 and 6 months, Kaylee's reactions to her vaccines were much much worse. She screamed uncontrollably for hours and had a fever of 104 degrees or more. She laid in my arms with a blank stare in her eyes. I was afraid she would die. She didn't even have the energy to cry anymore. I called her doctor and asked her "why is this happening and what should I do? She had her shots only a few hours ago and she was OK then!"
Her doctor said to me in an annoyed tone of voice, "I bet she just has an earache. Give her some Tylenol and let her cry it out." I listened to her doctor when I should have taken her to the hospital. I didn't listen to my instincts.
Some doctor. We never went back again. By some way, I just couldn't do it anymore. By God's grace, Kaylee hasn't had a vaccine since. I don't know what would have happened if she would have gone back, I think we could have lost her forever.
I'm so sad that this has happened to so many children. Thank you for sharing Kaylee's story.