Thursday, April 2, 2009


Things have been like a roller coaster around here. Kaylee's behavior is up and down. We will have lots of bad days and a few good ones peppered in here and there, and I am pretty sure its due to her allergy/intolerance issues.

Recently, Kaylee had her Diflucan removed and she got better for a few days and then things got bad again. Then we remove something else and so it goes, its a cycle and just when I think it ends, something else comes up and her behavior gets bad again. Right now I have removed chicken from her diet and its working! But I am not holding my breath because another problem will probably arise. And so it goes with allergies...

Oh April 23 can't come fast enough! I shouldn't be placing all of my hope on one doctor (Dr. Oberg, who is a specialist in allergies and immunology), but the nurse at the NY clinic seems to know this is the key for Kaylee. However, I still place my trust in God, who is the God of knowledge. I know He knows exactly what Kaylee needs.

Right now Kaylee is still on Valtrex and Benadryl daily. She still has dark circles under her poor little eyes. She still has a very limited diet. She still breaks out into hives from certain foods. Here behavior is so difficult to deal with when we have a "bad day". She acts like a kid who is sick, over-emotional, angry, and tired all rolled up into one. Most of our days are "bad days". I would say we have a good day every ten days. This is very hard on me and the kids, too. I pray this ends soon!

On the bright side, Kaylee is really progressing cognitively and socially. She answers questions very well, can follow directions, and initiates play with other children. She especially likes older boys which I need to watch out for...


  1. I'm so sorry about the food issues, that is so tough. But it also sounds like a lot of good things are happening. Just keep trusting...


  2. Ferreting out those pesky allergies can be such a challenge, but it is worth it in the end!!! I pray you get lots of great ideas on April 23.

  3. I hate those bad days! For my son, soy causes those bad days and when he gets some soy I know that I am just going to have to brace myself for a week and a half of bad days. It's no fun for anyone! I pray that you find some answers on the 23 and for strength until then!

  4. Oh Jennie, how I feel your anguish! We recently went through another type of food sensitivity test by a naturopathic doctor in our area and found out that both boys primary sensitivity is eggs. The secondary sensitivity is fruit combined with sugar, even raw cane sugar! It's been very challenging trying to accomodate these 2 things. However, if it's any consolation at all, Dorinne Davis encouraged me to address any food sensitivities the boys may have, because she said even though the sound therapies we are doing would still help some, the body would have to first spend most of it's energy dealing with the afflicting foods. So she said if we eliminated those foods, then the body would have more energy to focus on the receiving therapies! Hang in there, I know it's hard and I'm right there with you trying to sort it all out again!

    Glad to hear you are still seeing improvements in Kaylee, it's been a while since I've been able to "stop by (on your blog)and check up on you guys!"

