My one year blogging anniversary...
and Kaylee's one year anniversary since we went to New York to help heal her "autism". What a roller coaster ride it has been for us, but so well worth it.
Things are going great lately, I just started a part time job doing data entry at home so I am even more busy than I was before. I don't want this blog to be a place where I blabber on about my life, but I record some of my experiences and how I got through them to help others. But most of all, I am having trouble trying to express what I want to say on this blog, and lately I have been battling discouragement with it. I wonder if it really makes any difference if I write in it. At least now I can remember everything we have gone through in this journey, though.
Kaylee is doing so well, I took her in for speech therapy (actually its "language therapy") because she has some difficulties saying things she wants to say (her syntax is off, for example), but all in all she is much much better. The transformation in her from one year ago is almost unbelievable.
An interesting thing happened with Kaylee's speech therapy that I have mixed feelings about, Kaylee's speech therapist told me she had never seen a child with autism recover like Kaylee has. In fact, she told me she thinks autism is overdiagnosed and she doubted that Kaylee even had autism. She went as far as questioning whether a doctor had diagnosed Kaylee with autism...
Two years ago this past August a developmental pediatrician diagnosed Kaylee with autism and sent us on our way. This doctor told me there was nothing we could do about it, no "cure", and she could not even tell me how severe Kaylee's autism was, because she said it was hard to tell but she said Kaylee easily fit the diagnosis for autism. I will never forget the look in her eyes, I could tell that she knew what we were in for...I wondered how she could have a job like this; "breaking the news" to parents that will start them on a difficult journey without much help or hope along the way. Yet another child lost to this monster we call "autism".
But I digress, I was actually quite mad about what the speech therapist said. Dan and I have been through the fire these past two years after the diagnosis, dealing with tantrum-filled days, sleepless nights, and a child who was totally in her own world. We have spent thousands of dollars to get her back. We want other parents to know that AUTISM ISN'T REALLY AUTISM. These kids are sick and they need help: medical help!!!!!!
My daughter did have autism, and it's great that even an experienced professional can't recognize it anymore, but unfortunately it still supports the ignorance that exists and the belief that autism isn't treatable when in fact, it is. These kids are sick, they are unhappy, and they have incredible strength to get through the day and do the simplest things. My heart breaks for them. People need to WAKE UP before we lose more children!! And trust me, we will. Things are not getting better. Now a recent study has shown that 1% of children have autism.
So even if I feel like this blog isnt reaching a lot of people in a Jenny-McCarthy-like magnitude, at least it may help one child, one day, to get the help they need, and in that case it will be well worth the work.
and Kaylee's one year anniversary since we went to New York to help heal her "autism". What a roller coaster ride it has been for us, but so well worth it.
Things are going great lately, I just started a part time job doing data entry at home so I am even more busy than I was before. I don't want this blog to be a place where I blabber on about my life, but I record some of my experiences and how I got through them to help others. But most of all, I am having trouble trying to express what I want to say on this blog, and lately I have been battling discouragement with it. I wonder if it really makes any difference if I write in it. At least now I can remember everything we have gone through in this journey, though.
Kaylee is doing so well, I took her in for speech therapy (actually its "language therapy") because she has some difficulties saying things she wants to say (her syntax is off, for example), but all in all she is much much better. The transformation in her from one year ago is almost unbelievable.
An interesting thing happened with Kaylee's speech therapy that I have mixed feelings about, Kaylee's speech therapist told me she had never seen a child with autism recover like Kaylee has. In fact, she told me she thinks autism is overdiagnosed and she doubted that Kaylee even had autism. She went as far as questioning whether a doctor had diagnosed Kaylee with autism...
Two years ago this past August a developmental pediatrician diagnosed Kaylee with autism and sent us on our way. This doctor told me there was nothing we could do about it, no "cure", and she could not even tell me how severe Kaylee's autism was, because she said it was hard to tell but she said Kaylee easily fit the diagnosis for autism. I will never forget the look in her eyes, I could tell that she knew what we were in for...I wondered how she could have a job like this; "breaking the news" to parents that will start them on a difficult journey without much help or hope along the way. Yet another child lost to this monster we call "autism".
But I digress, I was actually quite mad about what the speech therapist said. Dan and I have been through the fire these past two years after the diagnosis, dealing with tantrum-filled days, sleepless nights, and a child who was totally in her own world. We have spent thousands of dollars to get her back. We want other parents to know that AUTISM ISN'T REALLY AUTISM. These kids are sick and they need help: medical help!!!!!!
My daughter did have autism, and it's great that even an experienced professional can't recognize it anymore, but unfortunately it still supports the ignorance that exists and the belief that autism isn't treatable when in fact, it is. These kids are sick, they are unhappy, and they have incredible strength to get through the day and do the simplest things. My heart breaks for them. People need to WAKE UP before we lose more children!! And trust me, we will. Things are not getting better. Now a recent study has shown that 1% of children have autism.
So even if I feel like this blog isnt reaching a lot of people in a Jenny-McCarthy-like magnitude, at least it may help one child, one day, to get the help they need, and in that case it will be well worth the work.
Oh, she looks so cute in her Cubbies outfit! We'll have to get a picture of her and Ryne in their outfits someday. : )
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your anniversaries! I have been very blessed by your blog, so yes, it has made a difference. And don't get discouraged by what other people say. There are always going to be people who don't get it. All you can do is tell your story and keep doing what you know is right.