Saturday, January 31, 2009

Feelin' like I'm wilting...

I have been thinking I should change my blog name from "Blooming where God Plants me" to something else, because lately I have not been blooming, it's more like wilting. I would feel hypocritical and unreal to say that sometimes these neverending challenges and discouragements don't get me down.

Kaylee is doing BAD, behaviorally speaking, and it's really bumming me out. I don't understand what is going on. She was doing great when I cut out eggs from her diet and now I am back where I started.

I would love to put a video clip of how she is acting on here, but I don't want to embarrass her for the sake of me getting some sympathy. Hopefully, someday she would get mad at me for exposing her like that.

Something is very wrong with her and no matter if I am patient with her or if I get mad she is still acting very bad. Her behavior is so bad, I can't play with her, I can't change her diaper, I can't take her anywhere. So if you don't hear from me for awhile on here, now you will know why. Please pray for me.


  1. Jen, I'm so sorry that you feel so discouraged. As a parent, it's tough to just watch your child melt down and not be able to do a single thing about it. The diaper fight, well, my child was in pullups at an early age because of ear infections. She has had a total of 14 now I believe and she's not yet 4, so rather than fight to hold her down, I gave in and did that... I won't bring my child to a sit-down restaurant. She doesn't have the patience or mannerisms AND I prefer to not face that battle. Hence, the reason we spend a lot of time at McDonalds... I wish I could tell you it'll get better soon, but unfortunately I don't know enough about autism and behavioral problems linked to it. I pray that you will soon have peace and a piece of mind as to what is triggering this behavior. I know that Katie's had her up and down days and some really sassy, grumpy behavior. Some days I just try to stay at a distance from her (sorta like she's PMSing...) Perhaps it's a three year old stage she's experiencing. I know that there were some occasions I just wanted to put Katie in time out all day long. Children will try their limits and unfortunately, it seems that Kaylee will take a little longer than most to respond to those boundaries. It just stinks when you make a major stride and you get knocked down again. I'm here for you, Jen. I always think about and pray for you, your family and especially Kaylee. I will ask the Lord that He gives you wisdom in this specific phase and how you need to handle the situations. I just hope it "lets" up soon. I can't imagine that you're not exhausted...

    Love in Christ,

  2. I'm so sorry for the tough time you're going through. I'm praying for you. (((hugs)))


  3. Thank you Kellie and Jenny, the Lord Jesus is so good to me, giving me His people and His word to comfort me.
